Hate the thought of oven cleaning?
I mean, who doesn't?
Not even self-cleaning ovens like it.
Oh sure, they'll crank themselves up to a temperature hot enough to melt bones...
But they'll never clean themselves up after scorching everything inside into a black smoldering mess.
Oh no, they'll leave that for you to do.
That's where you get to kneel before the hotbox god...
Shove half your body into its gaping maw to begin the torturous oven cleaning...
And hope it won't try to Hansel and Gretel you.

The worst of the mess always seems to be on the oven floor.
Drips, spills, splatters - you name it.
If it can hop out of the cookware and land anywhere...
It'll land on oven floor and bake itself right into the metal.
So what once sparkly and new...
Now looks like hardened lava field and an oven cleaning nightmare.
But technology is a wonderful thing.
Since oven manufactures refuse to solve the splatter problem because they want you to buy a new one...
It gives some wannabe Shark Tanker an opportunity to Brainiac up a solution.
The new oven cleaning miracle they call Heavy Duty Non-stick Oven Mats
Thick and durable.
Reusable & dishwasher safe.
And strong enough to withstand temperatures hotter than your mother's temper.
A true solution to end all your oven cleaning nightmares.
And if you want to PREVENT your carpets from looking like your oven floor...
Be sure to call Consider-it Clean and we'll take out the dirt and leave you with a fresh clean carpet you could almost eat off of.
But don't.
Otherwise you'll be calling us again to clean it up.
Best to use a plate.
Just saying.