How to get dog poop out of carpet - carpet cleaning victoria bc

How to get dog poop out of carpet

So, you need to get dog poop out of carpet, eh?

It's a story I've heard a million times.

You're walking through your living room, minding your own business, when suddenly you feel something squishy beneath your foot. 

You look down, and there it is - a big, steaming pile of dog poop, right there on your carpet. It's like a scene out of a horror movie, except instead of a masked killer, you're dealing with something far more terrifying - a mess that seems impossible to clean up.

Believe me, I've been there.

I love my furry friends as much as the next guy, but let's face it - sometimes they can be a real pain in the ass. And nothing quite compares to the feeling of dread that washes over you when you realize that your dog has left a little present for you on the carpet.

But fear not, my fellow dog owners. As someone who's cleaned up more than his fair share of poop stains, I'm here to share with you some of the best methods for getting dog poop out of carpet.

From the classic "poop scoop" to the trusty dish soap, I've tried it all. So grab your gloves and buckle up, because we're about to dive headfirst into the world of dog poop cleanup. Don't worry, I'll try to make it as entertaining as possible - after all, if you can't laugh at yourself for cleaning up poop, what can you laugh at?

Before Getting The Dog Poop Out Of Carpet...

Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty of DIY poop stain removal, let me make a case for hiring "Consider-it Clean," the top-notch carpet cleaning service in Victoria BC that will leave your carpets looking and smelling like new.

Think about it - when was the last time you actually had your carpets professionally cleaned? Probably not since Steven Harper was Prime Minister of Canada. And let's face it, your carpets have probably seen better days. Between spills, stains, and the general wear and tear of everyday life, your carpets could use a little TLC.

Plus, if you're anything like the average person, you're not exactly a cleaning expert. Sure, you could try to remove that poop stain yourself, but what if you end up making the situation worse? What if you accidentally bleach your carpet, or rub the stain in deeper? Do you really want to take that risk?

That's where "Consider-it Clean" comes in. 

These guys (and gals) are pros for a reason - they know how to get even the toughest stains out of your carpet, without causing any further damage. With their state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, they'll have your carpets looking like they did when you first moved in.

And the best part? You don't have to lift a finger. Just sit back, relax, and let "Consider-it Clean" do the dirty work. They'll have your carpets looking and smelling like new in no time.

So, next time you find yourself face-to-face with a poop stain, consider calling in the pros at "Consider-it Clean." And while you're at it, why not get all of your carpets cleaned? It's the perfect excuse to finally tackle that spring cleaning you've been putting off for years. Trust me, your carpets (and your nose) will thank you for it.

Now for the main event...

Method 1: "The Poop Scoop"

Alright, first things first - before you get dog poop out of carpet, put on your gloves! You don't want any of that nasty stuff getting on your hands.

Now grab a plastic bag or paper towel and get to work. Gently scoop up as much of the poop as possible, being careful not to grind it deeper into the carpet. Think of it as a game of Operation, except the stakes are much higher. And smellier.

Method 2: "The Blotting Technique"

Now it's time to get wet and wild. Pour a small amount of water onto the affected area and start blotting with a clean cloth or paper towel. Keep at it until the stain starts to disappear. If you're lucky, you might actually be able to see the original color of your carpet again! But let's be honest, that ship probably sailed a long time ago.

Method 3: "The Vinegar Solution"

Ah, the sweet, pungent aroma of white vinegar. It's like eau de toilette, but for your carpet. Mix equal parts vinegar and water together and apply it to the stain. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then blot it up with a clean cloth or paper towel. If you're feeling really adventurous, you can even try taking a big whiff of the solution. Just kidding, don't do that. Seriously, don't.

Method 4: "The Dish Soap Delight"

Prefer a more "Dawn" style approach to get dog poop out of carpet? Time to break out the dish soap! Mix a teaspoon of it with a cup of warm water and apply the solution to the stain. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then start blotting away. It's like doing the dishes, but instead of plates and forks, you're cleaning up a pile of dog poop. Fun times!

Method 5: "The Pet Stain Miracle"

If you're feeling lazy, you can always use a commercial pet stain and odor remover. Just follow the instructions on the label and let the magic happen. It's like hiring a personal assistant, but instead of running errands, they're cleaning up your dog's mess. Honestly, what did we do before technology?

Method 6: "The Carpet Cleaning Conundrum"

If all else fails, it might be time to call in the professionals. Rent a carpet cleaner or hire a carpet cleaning service to tackle the stubborn stain. It's like hiring a hitman, but instead of taking out a target, they're taking out the poop in your carpet. And hopefully not leaving any evidence behind.

Well folks, we've covered a lot of ground today. From the classic "poop scoop" to the trusty dish soap, we've explored some of the best methods for getting dog poop out of your carpet. But let's face it, sometimes the DIY approach just isn't enough.

That's where "Consider-it Clean" comes in.

While these methods can work for smaller stains, sometimes you need a professional touch to really get your carpets looking like new. And with "Consider-it Clean," you can rest assured that your carpets are in good hands. Their team of experts will use their top-of-the-line equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to remove even the toughest stains, leaving your carpets looking and smelling fresh.

So why spend your Saturday afternoon scrubbing away at a stubborn poop stain when you could be out enjoying life?

Let "Consider-it Clean" take care of the dirty work for you. With their affordable prices and unbeatable results, it's a no-brainer. Trust me, your carpets (and your sanity) will thank you for it.

Thanks for tuning in, and happy cleaning! Or, you know, happy not cleaning, if you're smart enough to hire "Consider-it Clean."

Want to Love Your Home Again?

Consider-it Clean can restore your carpets and upholstery so they look like new again. Call or text us now to get an instant estimate.