How to get glue out of carpet - consider-it clean capret cleaning

How To Get Glue Out Of Carpet

When you've got to get glue out of carpet fast...

Hey there! 

Welcome to "The Great Carpet Escapade," where your seemingly innocent tube of glue turns into a renegade, leaving its mark in the most unexpected place – your carpet.

It’s just another day at home: one minute, you’re lost in the zen of DIY crafts, the next, you're staring down at a glue blob that’s decided your carpet is its forever home.

No need to panic, though. 

We’re about to embark on a surprisingly amusing journey through the world of adhesive mishaps, guiding you on how to liberate your carpet from the sticky grips of the top five household glues.

But what if your carpet looks like a modern art piece gone wrong?

That’s where "Consider-it Clean Carpet Cleaning" comes in, your ace in the hole for those “I can’t believe this is happening” moments.

They're the pros who can turn a glue catastrophe into a distant memory. So, grab a seat and maybe a notepad – getting glue out of the carpet is about to get interesting, and you won’t want to miss a single tip.

The Sticky Culprits

it's time to meet our lineup – the Fantastic Five of the glue world, each with their own unique way of turning your carpet into a sticky battlefield as we embark on our mission to get glue out of carpet.

First, we have the crafty trickster, Elmer’s Glue – the PVA glue that’s supposed to stick to paper but sometimes dreams bigger.

Next up in our get glue out of carpet adventure is Wood Glue, the strong and silent type, until it’s on your carpet, then it’s just strong.

Third in our quest to get glue out of carpet, we’re facing Superglue – the fast and furious, dries-before-you-can-blink kind, leaving you and your carpet in a real bind.

Coming in fourth in our challenge to get glue out of carpet is Hot Glue, the melty artist, perfect for crafts until it decides to create abstract art on your floor.

And last but not least, in our journey to get glue out of carpet, is Fabric Glue – it's supposed to keep fabrics together, but sometimes it gets a bit too attached to your carpets.

Buckle up as we prepare to wrangle these sticky outlaws back into their tubes and off your floors.

Elmer's Glue

get glue out of carpet

So, Elmer's Glue decides to take a dive off the crafting table and onto your carpet, probably because it's never been a fan of paper. Let’s show it who’s boss.

  1. Scraping and Dabbing: Approach the glue with a spoon or butter knife like a ninja – stealthy and careful. Your mission: scrape off the glue without spreading it like a rumor. Then, with a dry, lint-free cloth (or your cape, if you’re into that), dab the crime scene. For a deeper clean, dampen the cloth with warm water – think of it as giving your carpet a mini spa treatment.
  2. White Vinegar or Dish Soap Solution: Whip up a potion of warm water and white vinegar or dish soap. Apply this magic elixir to the glue and wait 20 minutes – enough time to ponder why glue bottles don’t come with “Do Not Dive” signs. Test a small area first, because we’re removing glue, not creating tie-dye.
  3. Steam Iron: It's time to iron out your differences with the glue. Place a wet cloth over it and gently press with a steam iron. The glue should lift, like your spirits when the pizza guy arrives. Watch the heat though; you don't want your carpet to look like it just fought a dragon.
  4. Elmer's Sticky Out Adhesive Remover: If you want to keep your sanity intact, Elmer’s Sticky Out Adhesive Remover is your secret weapon. It's like sending a superhero to do your dirty work. Follow the instructions and watch the glue surrender.

Once you’ve conquered the Elmer's Glue, take a bow. You've just nailed the first act in the thrilling drama of getting glue out of carpet. Curtain call!  

Wood Glue

Wood Glue: The strong silent type that sometimes goes rogue on your carpet in your quest to get glue out of carpet.

  1. Vinegar and Water or Dish Soap Solution: If you catch the glue while it's still having second thoughts, mix equal parts vinegar and water or dish soap and water. Apply this peace offering to the glue. Let it soak in, giving it time to loosen its grip. But first, do a quick spot test to avoid turning this into a tie-dye project.
  2. Rubbing Alcohol: For the glue that’s decided to become a permanent carpet resident, rubbing alcohol is your diplomatic envoy. Soak a cloth in it, dab the dried glue, and wait – patience is key here. Then, gently wipe it away. Caution: test on a small area first, because rubbing alcohol can be like that friend who means well but sometimes overdoes it.

And just like that, you’re two for two in the heroic saga of how to get glue out of carpet. Feel free to take a victory lap around the living room. 


Meet Superglue, the quick-drying daredevil of the adhesive world, notorious for its surprise attacks on unsuspecting carpets. It's like that one friend who's always fun at parties until they spill something. Now, it's time for you to tackle this sticky intruder as part of your grand quest to get glue out of carpet.

  1. Acetone or Nail Polish Remover: Grab a cloth, soak it in acetone or nail polish remover, and dab gently on the glue, like you're petting a tiny, sticky dragon. Once the glue softens, scrape it away. But be careful, acetone is the diva of solvents and might not play nice with some carpet types.
  2. Ammonia: Mix up a mild-mannered solution of ammonia and water. Apply it to the glue, then dab with a clean cloth. It's like giving the glue a stern talking-to. But remember, ammonia can be a bit pungent, so keep the room ventilated.
  3. White Vinegar: If you're going all-natural, douse the glue with white vinegar. Let it soak, ponder its existence, then take an old toothbrush and gently scrub away its life choices. Just like coaxing a cat out of hiding, be gentle and patient.
  4. Isopropyl Alcohol: For the stubborn spots, isopropyl alcohol is your secret agent. Dampen a cloth with it, blot the stain – no rubbing – then carefully scrape away the remnants. It’s like diffusing a bomb, but with less risk and more satisfaction.

There you go, another chapter in your epic "Get Glue Out of Carpet" adventure. You're practically a superhero now, minus the cape and the dramatic soundtrack.

Hot Glue

Get glue out of carpet

In the world of glues, hot glue is like that flashy friend who's always up for a good time until they leave a mark on your carpet. But don't worry, we've got a trick up our sleeve to get glue out of carpet, Hollywood style.

Steam Iron Method: It's time to bring out the big guns – or in this case, a steam iron. Lay a piece of fabric over the glue like a superhero cape over a puddle. Gently press the steam iron onto the fabric. The heat will convince the glue to switch teams and stick to the fabric instead. Carefully peel away the fabric, and voilà! Just be cautious with the heat setting – we want to melt the glue, not your carpet or your enthusiasm. 

Fabric Glue

Fabric Glue, the sneaky artist of the adhesive world, sometimes decides to make a bold statement on your carpet. But fear not, we're rolling up our sleeves for this round of "Get Glue Out of Carpet."

Scraping and Detergent Solution: Start your counter-attack by gently scraping off as much glue as you can – think of it as a delicate archaeological dig in your living room. Next, mix some laundry detergent with warm water and give the area a good, non-aggressive scrub. If the glue plays hard to get, elevate the game with a mix of ammonia and warm water, but remember to keep the room airy – ammonia can throw quite a punch to your nostrils. Here's to winning the battle against fabric glue, one careful scrub at a time! 

And That's How You Get Glue Out Of Carpet

And there you go, your complete guide to conquering the most infamous glue invaders in your carpet saga.

From Elmer's spontaneous leaps to the sly embraces of fabric glue, you now have the tricks to get glue out of carpet. But, let's face it – sometimes you just want to relax and let experts tackle the chaos.

Enter "Consider-it Clean," the pros who can make your carpet woes disappear, tackling not just glue but any other mysterious stains that might be plotting in your home.

Why not give us a call and take a well-deserved break? You've totally earned it! 

Want to Love Your Home Again?

Consider-it Clean can restore your carpets and upholstery so they look like new again. Call or text us now to get an instant estimate.