Ah yes...The liquidy joy of fall & winter and the never ending battle of keeping mud out of carpet.
Where messy mud and clumps of snow will cling to your shoes where ever you go.
Then when you're not paying attention...
They'll jump off your shoes and head straight for the carpet and sprawl over it.
Especially if you have kids.
Or pets.
And if you have both, yikes - it's even worse.

So unless you've invested in military grade house training, one or both of your dirt monsters are guaranteed to sneak in when you're not looking...
And track mud on to your carpets.
In those cases here's how to clean mud out of carpet:
Let the mud dry.
Go with me here, mud is easier to remove when it's dry.
If it's super wet, you can gently blot it with towel to soak up the moisture before it sinks to the foundation.
But don't rub, that'll spread mud deeper into the fibers where it'll party for months.
Once dry, go at it with that vacuum cleaner in all directions.
Put on some dance music and have fun cause you're going to be there a while.

Once you're sure you've sucked up all the dirt you can, take a look.
If there is still a dirty spot in your carpet...
You can try using a spot cleaner to enforce that eviction notice you've given to those squatting mud tenants of yours.
Still no joy?
Then it's time to bring out the Big Guns and call us at Consider-it Clean.
We'll evict that dirt permanently - leaving your carpets clean and completely mudless.
Unfortunately, we can't say the same about your kids or your pets.