So, you know when you're having a romantic dinner and you knock over a lit candle...
And it spills wax all over your brand-new carpet? (Who knew a candle could ruin a moment quite so fast?)
Or how your pesky cat with a personal vendetta about open flames tries to whack it out but ends up knocking it over instead and splashing hot wax all over your carpeting?

Yeah, I've been there.
And let me tell you, it's not pretty. But don't worry, I've got the inside scoop on how to get all that wax out of carpet.
First, we attack it using the "freezer method."
No, this isn't where you rip your carpet up and stick it in the freezer.
If your freezer is anything like mine you barely have room in there for a pint of ice cream let alone a freshly torn-up rug.
No, the freezer method is where you grab an icepack, a ziplock filled with ice or that bag of frozen vegetables that's been in there since 2018 and toss it on the wax.
Then through the magic of physics, the wax instantly hardens and stops seeping it's way deeper into the fibers.
Once it's hard, you can break of any large chunks by hand. Next rummage around and find something dull like a butter knife to scrape as much wax off the carpet fibers as you can.
Be sure to avoid using your Ginsu knives or anything else sharp – otherwise your carpet could end up with a hair cut it will never recover from.

Got all the scraping done?
Cool. Now hit the area with a vacuum to suck up all those waxy bits you just scraped off.
Once you're done, rub your hand over the area and see how it feels.
Still have wax in the carpet? Try using heat to get the rest of it out.
First find an old cloth or that raggedy old T-shirt your spouse won't get rid of (but you hate more than reruns of Paris Hilton's *cough cough* "reality" show: The Simple Life).
Or to avoid a fight, you can always use a paper towel or brown paper bag.
Then grab your iron, and set it to the lowest heat setting.
Lay down the cloth, T-shirt, towel or paper bag on the wax and slowly run the iron over it.
Once again through the magic of physics, heat from the iron will soften the wax, while the cloth or paper will help draw the wax out of the carpet fibers.
I won't might need to do this step more than once to get all the wax out.
Oh, and remember to put the hot iron down on a book or baking sheet to prevent it from melting your carpet if you accidentally knock the dang thing over.
Also be sure to let it cool a bit before you decide to iron your cat after all this "getting wax out of carpet" fiasco.

Not into all that manual labor?
No one in your house keen on doing it either?
Or maybe you just couldn't get it all out?
Then give Consider-it Clean a call. Our powerful truck-mounted steam cleaning system not only will soften and suck out all that candle wax from your carpets...
But we can also take care gum, tar, rust, pet stains and odors.
Got furniture with wax, pet or food stains? We can clean that too!