How to maintain you upholstery Victoria BC by consider-it clean

How To Maintain Your Upholstery So It Looks Spectacular

Ah, upholstery – the unsung hero in our daily saga of comfort and relaxation.

It cradles us during Netflix binges, provides a landing pad for popcorn during thriller movie jumps, and bears the brunt of spills when our hands prove less steady than our intentions. 

So, after you’ve had a professional banish the ghosts of spills past from your cherished sit-able companion, it's crucial to maintain that pristine cleanliness.

Why you ask?

Firstly, well-maintained upholstery is like the welcoming smile of your home. It's the first to greet you after a long day, offering a warm, clean embrace. 

Secondly, by keeping your upholstery clean, you prolong the lifespan of your furniture, ensuring many more years of comfortable lounging and lazy Sundays.

Lastly, a clean couch is a reflection of your persona. Imagine having guests over only to have them sit on a relic from the last food fight!

Now, despite your best efforts, if a disaster of biblical proportions – think a grape juice tsunami or a melted chocolate volcano – befalls your beloved upholstery, fear not! 

How to maintain your upholstery - spills

Consider-it Clean is your knight in shining armor, ready to battle the monstrous stains threatening the dignity of your divan. With a swift call to Consider-it Clean (, you can summon a team of cleaning crusaders to restore honor to your upholstery realm.

They’ll tackle the terrifying tannins and horrifying hues with a valor that tales are written about. So, if the aftermath of a snack-time misadventure looks more like a scene from a horror film, and the thought of cleaning it sends shivers down your spine, it’s time to call in the pros.

After all, some stains are too stubborn (or scary) for mere mortals to handle!

Unveiling the Secrets of Eternal Freshness: The Exact Steps on How to Maintain Your Upholstery 

Ah, the sweet satisfaction of gazing upon your freshly cleaned upholstery; it's like watching a sunrise while sipping on a warm cup of gourmet coffee, both pristine and promising.

Yet, as the day progresses, life happens.

Your upholstery faces many foes—spilled beverages, the dreaded pen marks, and let's not forget, the mysterious stains that appear out of nowhere, much like socks disappearing in the wash.

Fear not, for the battle against dingy upholstery is not lost.

Below lies the treasure map on how to maintain your upholstery and the nine fabrics, ensuring they continue to shine in their full glory, long after the professional cleaners have worked their magic. 

From the robust resilience of leather to the delicate demeanor of silk, we've got the secret sauces to keep them looking as youthful and vibrant as a pop star making a comeback.

So prepare to venture forth into the hallowed halls of Upholstery Upkeep. 

Arm yourself with the knowledge to combat the forces of filth and ensure your sitting sanctuaries remain inviting, comfortable, and stylish.

Your quest for eternal upholstery freshness begins now!

Cotton: The Humble Throne

Ah, cotton, the ever-so-humble member of the upholstery kingdom. Maintaining its cleanliness post-professional purge is quite the no-brainer, much like opting for the remote over standing up to change the channel. Start by vacuuming it regularly using an upholstery attachment, a ritual as essential as morning coffee to the weary soul. 

This simple step ensures your cotton throne remains free from the tyranny of dust and crumbs. Now, onto the second act: employing a fabric protector spray. This invisible shield is the silent guardian against the villainous spills and stains aiming to tarnish your cotton haven. Lastly, if a rogue spot dares to make an appearance, fear not! A concoction of mild detergent and water is all you need for a spot clean, the good ol’ one-two punch to send the intruder packing.

Linen: The Aristocrat of Comfort

Linen, with its cool demeanor and elegant facade, is truly the aristocrat of upholstery materials. Begin your quest for cleanliness by frequent vacuuming, the trusty sword against the dragon of dust and dirt. Now, beware the sunlight; much like vampires, your linen upholstery fears the harsh rays. 

Keeping it away from direct sunlight is like keeping garlic away from a dinner date - highly advisable. When it comes to stain removal, linen prefers the royal treatment. Call upon the knights of dry cleaning or the wizards of professional cleaning services to keep the fabric’s nobility intact.

Wool: The Warm Embrace

How to maintain your upholstery - wool

The warm embrace of wool requires a gentle touch and a patient hand. Begin your care routine with a gentle vacuum, using a low suction setting to avoid a scene reminiscent of a bad haircut. 

When the inevitable spill occurs, blot it immediately with a clean cloth, acting with the swiftness of a cat spotting an open lap. For the stubborn stains that decide to overstay their welcome, a visit to the dry cleaners or a consultation with a professional cleaner will send them on their way, much like an eviction notice to an unwelcome guest.

Leather: The Rebel with a Cause

Leather, the James Dean of upholstery, is rugged, handsome, and demands respect. Start by giving it a good dusting with a dry cloth, as simple and effective as a mic drop. 

Next, the mystical elixir known as leather conditioner should be applied to keep drying and cracking at bay, ensuring the leather remains as smooth as your moves on a Saturday night. Lastly, prevent exposure to sunlight and heat; leather prefers to stay cool, much like the other side of the pillow.

Vinyl: The Easy Rider

Vinyl, the easy-going friend in the upholstery gang, asks for little and gives a lot. Wipe it down with a damp cloth for everyday cleanliness, as straightforward as a pie chart explaining why dogs are better than cats. For those tough stains that refuse to budge, a mild soap solution will show them the door. And to keep the shine alive, a vinyl protector is the finishing touch, like the cherry on top of a sundae or the encore at the end of a rock concert.

Silk: The Delicate Diva

Silk, the diva of the upholstery world, demands a gentle touch and a bit of pampering. Keep it away from sunlight to prevent it from throwing a fade-fit. Vacuum it gently with an upholstery attachment, a tender caress to keep dust and dirt at bay. And when stains decide to crash the party, call in the professionals for a cleanup. Silk prefers the VIP treatment, after all.

Polyester: The Unfussy Companion

Polyester, the low-maintenance companion, is as easy-going as a Sunday morning. Regular vacuuming is its friend, ensuring it stays fresh and inviting. If a spot decides to make an appearance, a mild detergent and water are all you need for a spot clean - simplicity at its finest. And for the removable covers, a gentle cycle in the machine will have them looking brand new, ready to face another day of lounging and leisure.

Microfiber: The Soft Sentinel

Microfiber, with its soft and supple demeanor, is like the comforting hug of upholstery materials. Frequent vacuuming will keep the dirt away, much like garlic to a vampire. For spot cleaning, a mild soap solution is your trusty sidekick, ready to tackle the grime and leave no trace behind. Allow it to air dry; microfiber enjoys a gentle breeze over the harshness of heated drying, much like choosing a scenic drive over rush hour traffic.

Velvet: The Royal Robe

Velvet, the royal robe of upholstery, demands a gentle touch and a keen eye. Begin with a gentle vacuum using an upholstery attachment, a soft touch to keep it looking regal. Avoid the commoners’ way of water cleaning; velvet prefers the sophistication of professional cleaning when stains threaten its reign. And lastly, keep it out of direct sunlight to prevent fading, ensuring it remains as vibrant and opulent as a royal ball.

Your Upholstery’s Knight in Shining Armor: Consider-it Clean

And thus, dear reader, we arrive at the finale of our upholstery upkeep saga. 

Armed with the knowledge of the ancients (or at least from the snippets above), you are now ready to defend your cherished sitting domains from the onslaught of daily grime and unexpected spills.

Yet, even the most valiant of efforts may sometimes falter in the face of a truly formidable upholstery adversary.

When the crumbs conspire and the stains unite to besiege your serene sitting spaces, who do you summon to your aid? Fear not, for there is a hero awaiting the call to rescue your distressed divans and tormented tufted chairs.

Allow us to re-introduce you to Consider-it Clean, the Merlin of stain removal and the Gandalf of upholstery grandeur. 

When the spills seem sinister and the dirt dares to defy, a single call to Consider-it Clean ( will conjure a league of cleaning wizards, ready to restore peace and cleanliness to your homestead.

With a wave of their mighty cleaning wands, they'll banish the blemishes and revive the vibrant visage of your upholstery, making it ready once again to host your leisurely lounges and serene siestas.

So when the upholstery upkeep quest throws a dragon or two in your path, let the professional knights at Consider-it Clean slay the mess and reclaim your castle of comfort.

Your upholstery will not only be saved, it'll be singing ballads about its heroes from Consider-it Clean, and you'll be left to revel in the cleanliness, perched proudly upon your freshly cleaned throne.

    Want to Love Your Home Again?

    Consider-it Clean can restore your carpets and upholstery so they look like new again. Call or text us now to get an instant estimate.