How To Protect Carpet From Cats
Wondering how the heck to protect carpet from your cats (aka: your internal house-mousers)?
The ones with a furious bout of "cat scratch fever"?
Tearing up your carpets, furniture and what's left of your sanity?
None of which you discovered are cheap to repair (or insurable), am I right?
No need to despair - or to dig out that shotgun.
Your carpet, sanity and foul feline can all survive together...
Without resorting to drastic measures.

How? Simple.
By using one or more of these 5 behavior busting bombs to curb your cat's appetite for carpet carnage.
And the first way to protect carpet from cats is to...
Run For Cover
Most cats despise the feel of three things.
Aluminum foil, double stick tape and being mocked.
The sound and feel of aluminum foil drives them batty...
So lay a few sheets around to cover the areas they've been creating party streamers out of your flooring.
But if you use double stick tape instead, it ups the cats aversion to the area by 10x.
They hate anything sticking to their paws.
Lay a few of these sticky strips around their favorite scratchy spots and let the fun begin.
As for mocking your cat...
Yeah, I'd avoid doing that.
You have to fall asleep sometime.
You've been warned.
Scratch A Little More To The Left
To a cat, anytime they scratch your stuff it's always your fault.
Cats have complained for years the people they live with never give 'em enough stuff to scratch.
So they resort to bringing your attention to their dilemma by tearing up stuff you love.
It's all about catering to their narcissistic needs don't you know?
Remember to a cat, you are not their owner, you're their staff.
Which is why they treat you like an employee.
The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll get along.
In the meantime, you better get the boss better scratching options.
Like those stand alone scratching posts or ones built-in to a cat condo.
The more options they have (buy a bunch) all over the house...
The less your carpets will suffer or need trauma therapy.

Another way to protect carpet from cats is to...
Clip Those Claws
Got an outdoor cat?
One that only visits you like you're a free Air B&B where they only come to eat and sleep?
You're getting off easy cause with all that trotting everyday on rough surfaces...
Climbing trees and ambushing birds...
Means their nails won't need much trimming.
Got indoor furball?
Well you're gonna have to trim those lethal claws of death every 10 to 14 days...
Otherwise they get too long and cause a ton of problems for the cat (and your carpet).
Good luck with that (wear armor until they finally get used to it).
Dealing Out The Deterrents
You know what cats hate as much as a bath and claw clipping?
The smell of things like pepper and vinegar.
Got a spot they love to scratch?
Then ambush your fur covered carpet killing machine with a pepper or vinegar booby trap.
Spray a blend of 1 part vinegar to 5 parts water all around the spot they've been ripping up like a Saturday night dance floor.
Sprinkling liberal amounts of pepper on it works too.
They hate the stuff but you better not let them catch you doing it.
Remember, cat's live to attack so unless you've got a great relationship with yours...
You better sleep with your door closed at night if they see you do it.
Freudian Furball Therapy
None of the above working out?
You feline might be flipping out.
A wee bit stressed.
What stresses out an inbound fur covered eating, pooping & sleeping machine?
Not much.
Just stuff like health problems, a recent move, conflicts with other cats or pets, too much loneliness, new people, or new critters roaming around it's domain.
Sometimes your cat needs time to adjust.
But if it goes on too long - bring them to their favorite pet doc.
They'll help you fix 'em up.
And that my friend is how you protect carpet from cats.
But what if they sprayed your carpet with their internally produced golden liquid?
That's when you give Consider-It Clean a call.
Click here to call us and we'll clean the mess up off your carpet right away.