Gather round, and let me tell you about water damaged carpets.
Ah, water.
Not any old water mind you.
No sir (or ma'am, or gerbil, or whatever it is you might like to identify as).
The kind of water I'm talking about is far more diabolical.
Far more damaging.
Far more aggravating than a balloon filled with it and traveling toward your head at 2.75 meters per second.
The kind of water that leaks from some mysterious location within your home...
And soaks itself into anything it can - like your walls, ceilings, floors and furniture.
Water is pretty much the number one cause of property damage in North America.
Whether it's those pesky loose water pipes, taps that won't behave, blocked drains, overflowing bathtubs...
Or kids setting up an indoor water park complete with sprinklers and waterslides in your living room...

The damage it does can get a wee bit pricey.
No wonder homeowners never look thrilled when they discover their floors get flooded and the cost of new carpeting dances in their heads.
But wait!
Water damaged carpets don't always need replacing.
Minor water damage can be easily fixed if dealt with quickly, while more severe damage may be harder to handle.
The process of repairing a water damaged carpet depends on the level of contamination from the water.
A leak from the bathtub? Easy Peasy.
A leak from the sewer with a stench that can choke a rat? Not so easy.
If the water source is fairly clean there's a good chance you can save your water damaged carpet if you follow these steps.
Step One: Snoop the Source
Captain Obvious called and said, "Before doing anything, you've got to snoop out the source of the water leak and shut it off."
Thanks Captain, we already knew that.
Step Two: The Dry as a Desert Treatment
Water source shut off? Cool.
Next you'll need to dry the carpet as fast as possible.
Drying that carpet pronto-like can help you kick mold, bacteria, and mildew to the curb...
The kind of nasty critters that love nothing more than a good flood to swim and multiply in.
They can be a real health hazard for you and your family - respiratory issues, you name it.
But no worries, quick-drying water damaged carpet is easy. Just rent yourself some commercial fans and dehumidifiers designed for that purpose.
Step Three: No Rhumba on the Rug
Now while you're drying out your carpet, try not to Rhumba, tiptoe or moonwalk on it. The adhesive backing has this nasty habit of detaching itself from the carpet fibers when you step all over it.
Think of it as making your carpet go bald.
Oh, and if you have any furniture on the wet carpet, you might want to move them to a new location. Wood and water don't mix in ways that create aesthetically pleasing furniture alterations.
Step Four: Call Consider-it Clean
Why? Because we...
- Specialize in restoring water damaged carpet
- Have equipment to quickly suck out water from your carpets.
- Have the fans to dry out your carpets.
Plus one other little goody...
When we're done, not only will your carpet be dry - it'll be clean, healthy, and look like new again.
Water damaged carpets - Be gone!